A Leap of Faith - Chapter 388 - Rstories (2024)

Chapter Text

It is now a little while later, and for this evening the group at The Tower have agreed to order an Indian take away for their dinner, which has just been delivered to The Tower. Of course, not everyone that is part of the group enjoys spicy curry, or chicken in sauces, especially Morgan, Alura and even Nia, but ordering an Indian also allowed the group to get some more plainish chicken such as chicken tikka, but as a main dish. So, Nia, Alura and Morgan all are eating their own chicken tikkas, as a main, along with some pilau rice, as well as some plain naam bread and pauperdoms. The rest of the group though are having a much more varied amount of food and dishes for their dinner, with them getting the opportunity to each have a bunch of different parts of the menu, as due to the fact there is so many of them, this has allowed them to order several different dishes, and know that none of it will go to waste as all of them can have a bit of each dish. Of course, the group do know that seeing as they have several kryptonians as part of their group now, it is unlikely that any food was going to go to waste anyway, but this way things are at least fair to everyone, especially the non-kryptonians.

Over the last hour since Lena, Lillian, Eliza, J’onn and Winn left the lab to join the rest of the group, Sam and Alex have actually not joined them until recently, with the group just giving the couple more time to spend alone with each other. Of course, this has made both J’onn and Winn be a bit more on edge, very curious about what the news could be that Sam and Alex wish to share with them eventually, and Winn particularly is getting very impatient by it all, and has actually spent the last little while trying to guess it. Thankfully though, once the group agreed to order an Indian for dinner, Lena sent Ruby in to go check on her moms, and see if they wanted to have an Indian too, with Ruby returning a few moments later and telling Lena her moms would have an Indian and listing off the foods they’d like to order as part of the Indian. Ruby did also say that her moms would join them just as soon as the Indian arrived.

Now, as the Indian take away has just arrived, Ruby has just gone to get her moms, while Lena, Kara and Eliza are all opening up the Indian dishes, and getting the plates ready, so they can all eat their food. Lillian, for her part, currently has Morgan happily sitting in her lap, with the soon to be 4-year-old basically cuddling with her grandma. Meanwhile, Alura is sitting right next to Nia, and cuddling into her side, with Nia being very happy to cuddle with the young child, who she loves very much.

“Okay everyone, that is all the food put out.” Lena finally announces, “We have a bunch of plates here, so just dig into whatever you want. I think us adults will help the kids with there food first.”

“I can do my own!” Morgan pouts.

“I’m sure you can, darling.” Lena says, lovingly, as she looks at her purple-eyed daughter, “But I just want to make sure you have enough to eat, and don’t put too little on your plate, thinking that you can’t take more to eat so that everyone else will have more food.”

“Yes, plus, if I help you put the food on your plate, you can help me decide what food I choose to eat too.” Lillian says to Morgan, who is still sitting in her lap.

Morgan now tilts her head back and smiles up at Lillian.

“Okay, grandma.” Morgan says, lovingly, “Okay momma.”

“Good girl.” Lena smiles, happily.

The group now begin to help themselves to the food, with Nia helping Alura get her food onto her plate, and Lillian helping Morgan, while Kara and Lena basically let Ruby do everything by herself, but also prompt Ruby to possibly try some food here and there, not wanting the teenager to not put enough food on her plate, thinking she doesn’t want to take too much food so that other people won’t have their fair share. Eventually though, everyone has a decent amount of food on their plates, and this is when Alex and Sam join the group, coming slowly walking into the living room area, with Sam very much remaining close to Alex’s side, clearly just being as careful as possible, and not wanting her pregnant wife to hurt herself more or anything.

“Oh, hey you too.” Lena smiles.

“Hey.” Sam smiles back, “Hey, Winn, J’onn.”

“Hello, you both.” J’onn smiles, politely.

“Hi.” Alex nods, and soon takes a seat on one of the couches, with Sam taking her seat next to her.

“Hey. Are you two going to tell us this news that you have to tell J’onn and I, or are we going to have to wait in suspense for even longer than we already have?” Winn says.

“Winn, don’t be rude.” Kara says.

“Sorry! But you know me! I’m not good at waiting to be told something! You remember how I couldn’t wait for all the announcements at comic con the first year we met!” Winn says.

“Hmmm…. I certainly do.” Kara nods.

“You didn’t tell them?” Sam asks, looking at Lena and Kara.

“No.” Lena says, “We didn’t think it was our place to say. It’s your news after all.”

“Oh, okay.” Sam nods, “Well, J’onn, Winn, Alex is pregnant, with our baby.”

Both Winn and J’onn grow shocked looks on their faces at Sam saying this to them.

“What do you….” Winn begins.

“To be clear, Alex has become pregnant in a similar sort of manner to how Lena became pregnant with Lori, which we believe is because I’m sort of a hybrid human-kryptonian now. Alex had an issue earlier, while she was in the lab with Lena, Lillian and Eliza, and after doing some tests, just to make sure that everything was okay, and Alex hadn’t hurt herself more from her injuries, Lillian, Lena and Eliza realised that not only is Alex pregnant, but her DNA is slowly changing to that of a kryptonians, a bit like how Lena’s was during her pregnancy with Lori.” Sam explains.

“Yeah. So long story short. I’m pregnant. Sam is the other biological parent of the baby, and I’m probably eventually going to become a kryptonian, like Lena did.” Alex says.

“Congratulations both of you.” J’onn smiles warmly.

“Yes! Congratulates to you both. This is amazing! I mean…. it’s fascinating and interesting too. But this is amazing!” Winn says, “Oh, but I can just see it now. Alex is going to be such a grumpy and pouty pregnant lady. I can’t wait to relentlessly tease her, and know that she won’t be able to kick my ass anymore.”

Alex lets out a huff at Winn saying that.

“Winn, don’t think, even for a moment, that just because I am pregnant, that I won’t be able to kick your ass, even when I’m severely pregnant.” Alex says, “Plus, remember, this pregnancy may come with kryptonian powers, so who says I will need to physically touch you to kick your ass. I might get heat vision, so I can just burn your ass with that then.”

“Hey! No! That’s not fair!” Winn says, “Kara, your sister is threatening to heat vision me!”

Kara now chuckles.

“Yeah, and?” Kara smirks.

“Well…. you’re Supergirl, you have to stop her from doing something so villainous!” Winn exclaims, obviously being over dramatic.

“Honestly Winn, I think annoying a pregnant woman, teasing her or not, is a pretty villainous thing to do. So, if Alex were to do that to you, I think she’d be justified.” Kara smirks back.

Winn now grows another pout on his face.

“Well, if Winn is done with….. being Winn….. seriously, congratulations to you both. I can’t wait to meet your future son or daughter. I know from seeing how you are both great moms to Ruby, that you are going to be equally amazing parents to this future child, and I know Alex, that you are finally going to get the motherly experience that you have craved, for a long time, right from the birth.” J’onn says.

“Thank you, J’onn.” Sam says.

“How did you know….. I’ve wanted to experience being a mom from the giving birth stage?” Alex asks, “I never told you that.”

“I can read minds, remember?” J’onn smirks.

“Yeah, but I didn’t even really know for a long time. Plus, you said you don’t actively read our minds.” Alex says.

“I don’t, not anymore anyway, although sometimes it does get a little difficult.” J’onn says, “But from one of the first times I met you, I delved deep into your mind, because I wanted to know who you were, and what made you tick. From that, I knew that deep down, even though you hadn’t realised it yourself at the time, you wanted to be a mother. Then, also from that, I knew that while you would love being a mother to any child, you would long to get the full experience, right from the birth, as you are not the type of person who would want to miss out on anything.”

“Well…. you know…. you could have told me all that…. instead of me having to work it out on my own.” Alex says.

J’onn chuckles at Alex saying that.

“I try not to meddle in people’s lives like that, as tempting as it may be.” J’onn says, “Anyway, I’m glad you are there now. Congratulations.”

“Thank you.” Alex smiles.

The group all now continue to eat their Indian take away, having some pleasant conversations with each other as they do.

It is now a few hours since Reign left the junkyard, after setting the car on fire, hopefully eliminating any trial back to her. Since then, Reign has basically had to hike towards the main part of Las Vegas herself, which has taken longer than she thought it would. However, Reign is just glad that she has been walking on inhabited roads, rather than the middle of the desert, with no other people around. Right now though, Reign is literally just arriving into the outskirts of the main part of Las Vegas itself. Unfortunately for Reign though, it is now late in the evening, so a few of the stores that she would want to go in, to basically give herself an entirely new look, will not be open right now. Therefore, Reign knows there is nothing she can really do but wait until tomorrow, when those stores open again. Of course, Reign could just break into those stores, and steal any clothes she wants, but she doesn’t want a break in to somehow lead back to her, plus, along with the clothes, Reign also knows she will need a complete makeover, to try and change how she looks as much as possible. So really, all Reign can do is wait, as frustrating as that is for her.

Reign now continues to walk along the street, with the bag of money on her shoulder, walking closer and closer to the main lights of Las Vegas, the strip, where everything happens. Reign is pretty tired right now, as she has been going all day, so she knows that as she has to wait for tomorrow, she probably will have to spend some of her money to get a room for a night somewhere. From Reign’s knowledge she has from being part of Sam, she is aware that there are a bunch of fancy, and expensive, hotels along the strip of Las Vegas, but Reign really isn’t too keen to actually go there, for a few reasons. Firstly, even though Reign has a few hundred thousand dollars in her bag, she does not want to blow a few thousand of it in some stupid fancy, over expensive, hotel room. Then, at the same time, Reign is also aware that the Las Vegas strip likely has an incredible amount of CCTV cameras, meaning more chances to capture an image of her. So, if anyone were to look at those CCTV camera feeds, and know who she is, maybe an agent from Leviathan or something, then they would have a direct link to her current location. So, Reign really thinks that until she can get a makeover tomorrow, she will need to stick to the outskirts of the city, rather than heading to the strip itself. This means that Reign will have to stay in one of the sh*tty motels just on the outskirts of Las Vegas, which are not ideal, and look very disgusting, but Reign thinks she can survive a night like this.

For the next few minutes, Reign continues to walk along the sidewalk, not really knowing where a motel will be, but hoping that she will come across one before she gets too close to The Strip itself. Eventually though, Reign sees 4 me, dressed in mostly black, walking towards her. At first, Reign takes no notice of it, but as the men get closer to her, it becomes clear they are trying to block her path.

“Hey, baby, what’s a pretty girl like you doing out all by yourself?” One of the men says to her.

“Yeah, damn girl, you be fine walking in a dress like that.” A second man says.

Reign now looks at the men, glaring at them for a few seconds.

“Move out of my way.” Reign says, in a firm voice.

“Oh, why you be so rude?” One of the men says.

“Yeah, we were just giving you compliments baby. It’s not very nice for you to act this way.” Another of the men says.

Reign now looks at all four of them men in the eyes, going from each one. Reign can see that all of these men have ill intentions.

“Get out of my way. I won’t ask you again.” Reign says, with a scowl on her face.

“Oh, baby is angry.” One of the men chuckles.

Two of the other men now start laughing as well.

“Maybe we need to teach her a lesson. Gotta teach her not to be alone at night, as a woman, dressed like that. People may get the wrong idea as to the type of person you are.” One man says.

“Yeah. Any woman dressed like that, is just begging for it. Let us show you.” Another man says.

The man who last spoke now reaches to touch Reign’s arm, but Reign now quickly pulls her arm out of the way, with the bag of money dropping to the floor as Reign does this. Reign now knows that there is no way out of this other than violence, so she makes the first move, and punches the guy who tried to touch her, right in his nose, breaking it. Once this happens, the man whose nose is now broken, stumbles back, grabbing his nose, and soon falls down to the ground, on his ass.


The three remaining men now start to surround Reign, clearly very much intending to do her harm, now as revenge for breaking the nose of their other friend. Reign jumps into action though, punching one of the men in the gut, while springing out her foot in another direction and landing square in a second man’s privates. Reign then turns to the final man who she hasn’t attacked, and just as he takes a swing at her, Reign dodges out of the way, and then uses her momentum to grab his arm, and twist it, causing the man to yell out in extreme pain. Reign doesn’t let up at the man yelling like this though, and soon twists his arm further, with a snapping sound happening. This ultimately causes that man to fall to the ground too. Reign doesn’t have much time to enjoy the fact that she just broke one of the man’s arms though, as the one she punched in the gut, and the one she kicked in the balls, are now ready to fight her again, moving either side of her. These two men seem to attack at the same time, so Reign just jumps out of the way, causing them to collide in to each other. Then, when they do finally turn to look at her, Reign uses one of her feet to kick one of the men in the balls as hard as she possibly can. He lets out a sound of agonising pain upon Reign doing this. This only leaves one of the 4 men remaining, with the other 3 on the ground now, although the one whose nose Reign broke is slowly getting up to his feet. So, Reign readies herself to continue the fight.

“HEY! You lot! GET THE f*ck AWAY FROM HER!” A female voice yells.

“Yeah, back the f*ck up!” Another female voice yells.

“I got a taser. Don’t think I won’t use it on you!” A third female voice yells.

Reign now looks at the women who are yelling for the men to stop attacking her, and that is when she sees there is a group of about 6 women, who are all dressed up very fancy, wearing dresses that are very very short, with high amounts of make up on, and all wearing heels. These women don’t seem to be frightened by these men, safety in numbers obviously, and continue to move closer to Reign. The men, for their part, seem to see this, and those who can stand, quickly pull the other two off the ground, and soon scamper away, leaving Reign alone. Once this happens, Reign just takes a deep breath, glad that is over.

“Hey, are you alright?” One of the women now asks Reign, moving over to her.

“Yeah. I’m fine.” Reign replies.

“Honestly, I don’t think she even needed our help. Did you see how she fought off those men!” Another of the women says.

“Yeah, she’s a badass, no doubt. But if they pulled out a knife, or a gun, things could have gone badly.” Another one of the women says.

Reign now picks up her bag of money and turns to look at the group of women, all of whom Reign thinks are very pretty.

“Thank you, for your….. help….” Reign eventually decides to say.

“Of course, sweetie.” One of the women says, “Us girls have got to stick together, don’t we?”

Reign simply hums at the woman saying that.

“Would any of you happen to know where a motel is around here? I just want a place to crash for the night, that isn’t on The Strip.” Reign says.

“Oh, we are all staying in a motel just round the corner. That’s where we were when we heard the commotion.” One of the women says.

“Yeah. I think there are plenty of rooms. And hey, if there isn’t, you can always stay with one of us tonight, baby. It won’t cost a hot thing like you much.” Another one of the women says.

“I uhh….. okay….. can you show me where this motel is?” Reign asks.

“Sure. Follow us.” One of the women says.

Reign now begins to follow these women down the street, eventually turning left as the block ends, and arriving at a motel a few moments later. Little does Reign realise though, that the reason that these women are all staying at this sh*tty motel, is not because they are staying here out of choice, but because they are all working women of the night. Reign will soon find this out though.

If you would like to see some of my other content, check out these links!

A Leap of Faith - Chapter 388 - Rstories (2024)


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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Author information

Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.